Was up early on a Saturday for a track meet.
Gone are the days I can just hop in the shower and head out the
door! Just a few months ago I finally
figured out how to add putting on makeup back into my routine. I was tired of hearing my 12 year old tell me
how ‘tired’ I look. Now I still appear
tired, but at least my face shows it with a rosy glow and lined eyes!
As I was rolling through my fog of having to function early Saturday
morning, I began to ponder over the latest action news in my normally obsolete
romantic life. Understandably, I’m
really not looking to date. I’ve always
said that if God wants me to have a man in my life, He’ll literally drop him in
my life. In January a guy asked me
out…in church. Considering the
atmosphere I was in, I agreed.
Very upfront about my situation, I gently informed this guy just how many
things he’d have to wrap his arms around if he became a steady pillar in my
life. I hold firm that any man has to
have a very big heart, and very large arms, to wrap around my life. It’s not just me – but one pre-teen, one
infant, two cats, one old blind deaf, dog, my mom who comes over practically
everyday to help, a job that is worked from home, and a house that’s constantly
a revolving mess. That’s a lot to wrap
around. He seemed to envelop this,
stating he commends me for working at home so as not to utilize day care and
having someone else raise my kids, and that he’d worry if my house was neat as
that would mean I wasn’t focusing on my family or my job. Unreal, I thought. Who is this man? I was not used to the support and it seemed
his values lined up exactly with mine.
I’ll spare you the gory, mushy details.
Two months later after a bit of a slow run, I receive a phone call
stating he wasn’t coming over as planned because “the guys” were at his house
for a ball game. He quickly transitioned
into a very roundabout conversation that led me to wonder what had just
happened when I had hung up the phone.
There was talk about it being slow (wasn’t that what we had agreed to
do? Move slow and get to know each
other?). That it is amazing because I am
one of the greatest women he’s ever dated, and he just can’t say anything
negative, but that I have ‘a lot going on’ (um, I know – didn’t I tell you
that?). At one point he even stated that
he was glad we talked about this lull between us and we’ll see how it
goes. Then it quickly moved into the
“I’m so glad we’re friends, and you can’t have too many good people surrounding
you”, at which point his friends started getting louder and he said he better
get to the game. I hung up the phone and
actually had to sit and translate what had just happened. I came to the conclusion that he had just
broken it off. Yeah, go get your friends
buddy. And here’s a hint – if you don’t
want to spend your next four decades single like you’ve spent your last four,
don’t break up with a girl as your friends sit in the next room watching the
game. Be respectful enough to at least
do it in person and plainly communicate through it! I watched an interview with Aretha Franklin a
few Sundays ago. The host politely asked
the famous singer about her love life – or the lack of it. Smiling in her quiet fashion, she promptly
responded that none are strong enough. I
double that, sister!
As the day winds down to a close and the once applied makeup wears off, I
know I am strong enough, even if someone else is not. It can
get lonely being the strong one every day, all day, but I know my shoulders are
strong, my heart is big, and my arms can wrap around this house and all those
in it.
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